Freitag, 9. März 2007
Peacecamp 2007: imagine peace
Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian youth explore their identity and confront the problems of their time.
July 2nd-12th, 2007, in Reibers, Waldviertel, Lower Austria
peacecamp 2007: imagine peace is a project that follows peacecamps 2004, 2005 and 2006, which were supported by the Karl Kahane Foundation, the Austrian Ministry of Education and the Youth in Action Program of European Union.

peacecamp 2007 will bring together 4 groups of youth (16-17 years old) - Israeli, Palestinian, Hungarian and Austrian. They will meet in a quiet resort Austria, in the midst of forest and mountains, and share information about their respective personal, cultural, religious, national identities and the narrative of each group's history.

peacecamp 2007 will have

- Art workshops
- mission-impossible-challenges
- Group-analytic sessions and team-supervision
- A last-day-event in a public space at which peacecamp-participants will be able to present their work to a large audience.

peacecamp-research is conducted by Prof. Ulrich Kropiunigg, University of Vienna

Documentation (peacecamp 2004) (peacecamps 2004 and 2005)

General information about the peacecamp-project

peacecamp is realized by
4peace-Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit

Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
tel: +431- 315 19 10

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... I was happy to hear this ... was listening to the radiobroadcasting today ... great project ... one little bright point in the darkness can be the guiding light ... thx Evelyn !!!

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